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Asterisk Source Code for ViciBox 4.0.1 -- Solved

PostPosted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 3:28 pm
by runderwoodcr

I'm facing a small problem, I need to setup the Sangoma CPA on my Contact Center setup, however I found that the source code for the asterisk version that am running its not installed on the Server, according to RPM the version installed is asterisk-1.4.44-22.5.x86_64 - the "core show version" command shows me Asterisk 1.4.44-vici I was trying to find out the source but am unable to do it, how can I get the source code so I can patch it to use the Sangoma CPA.
My Setup information its included on the signature.

Re: Asterisk Source Code for ViciBox 4.0.1

PostPosted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 5:32 pm
by williamconley
I believe the Vicidial asterisk sources are already patched for CPA (among many other patches pre-installed). But the sources should also be included in the scratch install instructions in the Vicidial Wiki (although you may have to modify the path for the specific version you are using, as the instructions may contain a path specific to the version they expect you to install, the other sources would be available just by changing the file path, most likely).

Re: Asterisk Source Code for ViciBox 4.0.1 -- Solved

PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 3:35 pm
by runderwoodcr
Thanks William for your reply, after a few tests I found that was already patched


Re: Asterisk Source Code for ViciBox 4.0.1 -- Solved

PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 5:44 pm
by williamconley
excellent postback. will likely help the next guy! 8-)