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3way call logs

PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 2:51 am
by ed123

Where can i find from the database the data of call transfer(3way) successfully transfer?

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Re: 3way call logs

PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 5:34 pm
by ed123
Please need your expertise. Idouble check with the database under vicidial_xfer_log but the table is empty. We already make a transfer couple of times.

Re: 3way call logs

PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 9:19 pm
by williamconley
3way is not a transfer in vicidial. Transfer is from one agent to another agent.

PS: I would have answered you around 6PM, when I checked the "Unanswered posts", but you answered yourself at 6:30 so ... your post disappeared from the Unanswered posts link. You should have just modified your original post instead. As far as phpBB was concerned, you were in a conversation (even if it was with yourself! LOL).

So are you looking for a 3way call log? Check the "call_log" table and see if you get a new entry when you 3-way the call.

Re: 3way call logs

PostPosted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 10:28 am
by Anfas

I'm trying to track 3 way calls in the appropriate log files. I have researched call_log for potential entries and no luck with it.
When a rep makes a 3 way calls to a verification company does that get logged anywhere in vicidial log tables, along with the customers phone number.

Appreciate any help


Re: 3way call logs

PostPosted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 10:48 am
by geoff3dmg
Code: Select all
select * from asterisk.user_call_log where call_type = 'XFER_3WAY'