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webform submit function

PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 5:37 pm
by nrc
Long story short...I'm building my own "agent" style script screen. Since our call center currently uses over 30 PAGES of scripts per campaign.

I have vicidial popup the webform (the webform button that is under the RECORD ID / START RECORDING BUTTON) page automatically for me when a call comes in, and inside this page i will display all the information that is on the agent screen plus other custom fields that came from the import leads CSV file, along with all my scripts.

My question is what do i make the form action and target set to, so that if they change any information like spelling of a name or address or type in a SALE amount it will post to the database correctly, and then show up on my export_leads file?

VERSION: 2.6-361c BUILD: 121222-2315

Re: webform submit function

PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 6:00 pm
by williamconley
Sorry, that function is not available by modifying the action or target. If you want your form to modify the database tables, you'll need a mysql/php person to allow your page to be able to modify the appropriate tables. But I warn you: the vicidial main screen will still write to the table and may collide with your vicidial data.

You may want to look at storing this data in something like SugarCRM instead. Then you could push all the data from Vicidial to your form, then from your form into SugarCRM (safely) and if you ever need it again, push it back to vicidial via a linked field for re-calling the client. without the Agent screen hammering your Form Data during or at the end of the call.

Re: webform submit function

PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 8:55 am
by nrc
No the answer I was looking for...but ok.


Re: webform submit function

PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 12:21 pm
by williamconley
Of course, you could do it within Vicidial and use the custom fields form instead. Not as pretty, but already designed to work within Vicidial. And could be modified ...

Re: webform submit function

PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 1:47 pm
by nrc
Ya, i think it might be getting down to that. not sure i want to do all that coding
