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PostPosted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 7:36 pm
by ruben23
Version: 2.6b0.5
DB Schema Version: 1337
DB Schema Update Date: 2013-01-03 20:08:40
Auto User-add Value: 101
asterisk 1.8.19

Hi guys any idea on this issue, its flooding on my asterisk logs somehow

Code: Select all
[Mar 17 17:30:28]   == Manager 'sendcron' logged off from
[Mar 17 17:30:28] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:28] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:28] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:28] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:28] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:28] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:28] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:28] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:28] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:28] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:28] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:28] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:28] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:28] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:28] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:28] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:28] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:28] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:28]   == Manager 'sendcron' logged on from
[Mar 17 17:30:28]     -- Executing [128600055@default:1] MeetMeAdmin("Local/128600055@default-0000e101;2", "8600055,m,1") in new stack
[Mar 17 17:30:28]     -- Executing [128600055@default:2] Hangup("Local/128600055@default-0000e101;2", "") in new stack
[Mar 17 17:30:28]   == Spawn extension (default, 128600055, 2) exited non-zero on 'Local/128600055@default-0000e101;2'
[Mar 17 17:30:28]     -- Executing [h@default:1] AGI("Local/128600055@default-0000e101;2", "agi://") in new stack
[Mar 17 17:30:28] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:28]     -- <Local/128600055@default-0000e101;2>AGI Script agi:// completed, returning 0
[Mar 17 17:30:28] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:29] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:29] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:29] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:29] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:29] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:29] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:29] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:29] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:29] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
ar 17 17:30:38] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:38] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:38] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:38] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:38] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:38] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:38] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:38] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:38] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:38] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:39]     -- <Local/8601161439874038@default-0000e0f9;2>AGI Script agi:// completed, returning 0
[Mar 17 17:30:39] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:39] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:39]   == Manager 'sendcron' logged off from
[Mar 17 17:30:39] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:39] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:39] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:39] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:39] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:39] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:39] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:39] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:39] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:39] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:39] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:39] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:39] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:39] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:39] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:39] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:39] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/58600053@default-0000e0fa;2
[Mar 17 17:30:39] WARNING[11255]: app_meetme.c:3774 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel

Re: Error_logs_Asterisk

PostPosted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 8:10 pm
by williamconley
Second scratch install with this issue in recent history. however: the other user is on Goautodial with an older version of Vicidial and Asterisk 1.4.

Each time I have had this issue, there has been a communication blocking the channel. Firewall quite often closes a port early or block rport attempts. LOL: Or an agent hangs up a phone. SIP debug may be helpful, too, if you can isolate and replicate the problem well enough.

But I note you do not state if this is a new problem on an older system or a fresh system install not yet functional. Also: Does this "coincide" with any other problems ... like a call with no sound ...?

Also remember to include your scratch install link/method when stating scratch. Different instructions have different idiosyncrasies.

Re: Error_logs_Asterisk

PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 1:05 am
by ruben23
@ williamconley

yes this a new install just 2 weeks ago with asterisk 1.8 beta-vici and latest SVN trunk, i really cant identify yet what was the issue coming after this logs, coz its a bit huge number of calls so far..none complain, im just a bit curious if there is some work around.Thanks

Re: Error_logs_Asterisk

PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 11:28 am
by williamconley
if there is no error, it may just be the meetme room's reaction to a hung up customer. you should test to see if you can cause this error on a test call by having the agent or prospect hang up and see if this error occurs.