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Phone extension outbound callerID issue

PostPosted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 1:28 pm
by urmi.l

I m having vicidial and working fine.
VERSION: 2.4-364a | Asterisk 1.4.44 | Single Server | Digium PRI card | No Extra Software After Installation | CentOS release 5.5

I m having some of my users which are doing manual dialing without the agent login. They are using phone extensions. Its working fine. But for these extensions I want to set the "outbound caller ID" through vicidial --> phones --> outbound caller ID.
But it is not reflecting in my configurations. It is not coming to my sip.conf.

I have enabled Admin --> Server --> Rebuild Conf files option as well. But could not able to display the caller ID.


Re: Phone extension outbound callerID issue

PostPosted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 1:38 pm
by williamconley
that may require a manual entry in the phone's conf override at the bottom of the admin->phones entry for each phone. This is an asterisk function as it is not in any way related to Vicidial These calls are not going through vicidial scripts, and as such are not controlled (ie: set callerid) by Vicidial itself. There may be an asterisk "sip.conf" entry you can add there that will set the callerid for the call.

however, you should not have agents dialing outside the Vicidial system, they should be logged in and dialing from the manual dial interface of the agent screen.

Re: Phone extension outbound callerID issue

PostPosted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 1:55 pm
by urmi.l
Thanks for your quick reply.

Yes, If I will do the configuration in sip.conf
It works fine. But after some time the above gets removed from the sip.conf

The outbound caller ID can be set from the phone gui only. For my 100 phone entries how can I edit sip.conf ? This should be set fro the vicidial gui only.


Re: Phone extension outbound callerID issue

PostPosted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 2:07 pm
by williamconley
do not edit sip.conf.

put your entry in admin->phones in the phone entries (individuallym at the bottom in the override conf field) or perhaps modify the default sip template (admin->templates) and apply that to all your phones. but do not edit sip.conf or sip-vicidial.conf directly. that way lies madness.