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Script variables broken when doing callbacks

PostPosted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 1:54 pm
by dspaan
Hi all,

I'm having a curious problem in our callcenter.

Our agents were having problems with callbacks to customers where they could not use the WEBFORM1 button because it would not insert the proper variables from the custom list fields in the URL that would open. Also the variables that should show up in the script are not visible when they do callbacks.

For all other calls all these functions work just fine! Any have an idea what could be causing this?

Re: Script variables broken when doing callbacks

PostPosted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 2:19 pm
by DomeDan
Use the original agc/ instead of agc_de/ until you have eliminated every translation that mess up variables

Re: Script variables broken when doing callbacks

PostPosted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 5:56 pm
by williamconley
and also please define "do callbacks" clearly ... avoiding assumptions.

and also consider an upgrade.

and also define "the proper variables" ... are you saying there are NONE, or too many, or the wrong data ...?

which probably means that domedan is right and he observed this behavior after a translation ... :)

Re: Script variables broken when doing callbacks

PostPosted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 9:24 pm
by dspaan
By doing callbacks i mean AGENT ONLY MANUAL DIAL callbacks.

Here an example of how the custom fields show up in the script when doing an agent only manual dial:


They simply are broken

Same goes for the WEBFORM buttons: I want to use the limesurvey token which is in my custom fields to open a survey URL but this is what i get when pressing WEBFORM1:


@DomeDan - I'm using English to test this :( :


So not the agc_nl. Could the translation still create this problem?

Please note, the variables from the standard vicidial fields (for instance --A--city--B--- still work, only the custom fields don't work)

Re: Script variables broken when doing callbacks

PostPosted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 9:49 pm
by williamconley
test it in a virtual machine with newer code. perhaps your version does not support custom field export during this process?