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Incoming Blacklist

PostPosted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 8:24 am
by sohaib
Hi there,

I want to blacklist incoming number, the scenario is if the call comes 3 times in a single day the number should be added in blacklist. Is there any way to do this thing in vicidial?

Please help in me out.

Thanks in advance.

Sohaib Khan

VERSION: 2.2.1-237
BUILD: 100510-2015
Asterisk 1.4.42
Ubuntu 10.04

Re: Incoming Blacklist

PostPosted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 2:23 pm
by williamconley
dispo call url could be modified to check for three calls and auto-add to a filter phone list.

you should post a link to your installation instructions since you manually installed. :)