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Adaptera 2405 raid

PostPosted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 2:11 pm
by haz
Helle all.
Does any one knops if the adaptera 2405 raid controller is compatible with vicibox 4.0.3x64 version?
Is it recommended? If not what raid controller can i use?

Re: Adaptera 2405 raid

PostPosted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 5:38 am
by DomeDan
Hi haz!

I'm actually too looking for a raid controller to a server right now but I don't got pci-e like you seam to have,
the Adaptec 2405 got pretty good reviews at newegg ... 6816103102
and that is really the only good way to find out if the card is compatible and if it works as description says, there are a lot of bad cards out there from pretty much every low price manufacture.

I recommend checking out, controller cards here:
they focus on *NIX stuff so there you will find good and functional hardware

Re: Adaptera 2405 raid

PostPosted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 5:43 am
by haz
Thanks for the answer DomeDan!
My problem is that i am not sure which card is compatible with Vicidial (Open Suse). Otherwise i have good knowledge of these cards if it was windows.
Normally we use HP own cards and these work fine but just this server we bought has a B120I card that Vicidial installer cannot see.
I am still working in this and will keep you informed if i get it to work.


Re: Adaptera 2405 raid

PostPosted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 5:48 am
by mflorell
We only recommend using LSI Logic MegaRAID controllers. Pretty much everything else we have had problems with at one time or another. We've had several adaptec controllers fail or malfunction, but the MegaRAID controllers are rock solid.

Re: Adaptera 2405 raid

PostPosted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 11:42 am
by haz
Hello DomeDan and all!

Today i have go the Adaptec 2405. Sorry mflorell i ordered before reading you tips.
Anyway i wanted to say that the vicidial installer worke fine just after installing the card properly in the sevrer and ACU.
I will keep you guys posted about stability and performance issues.
