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latency encontered(late data toappear during live call)

PostPosted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 3:27 am
by ed123

We encountered Latency (Late data appearing to vicidial). Please advise

here below our system overload.

Total Calls in/out on this server: 4941
Total Off-Hook time on this server (min): 2388.68
Average/Peak channels in use for server: 64.7101 / 138
Average/Peak load for server: 152.0819 / 740
Average USER process cpu percentage: 13.6466 %
Average SYSTEM process cpu percentage: 3.8088 %
Average IDLE process cpu percentage: 82.5357 %

---------- LINE GRAPH:
rows: 5057 tick: 60 minutes scale: 15 minutes

VERSION: 2.4-309a
BUILD: 110430-1642
© 2011 ViciDial Group

Re: latency encontered(late data toappear during live call)

PostPosted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 11:59 pm
by williamconley
is there a question in here somewhere?

if the question is "I have latency, what should I do", the answer is "talk to your ISP". Vicidial cannot control latency.

Re: latency encontered(late data toappear during live call)

PostPosted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 8:08 am
by DomeDan
ed123 wrote:latency encontered(late data toappear during live call)

I guess what you mean is that there is a delay in the agent interface before the lead data appear on a live call.
This usually happens when queries locks the tables vicidial_list or vicidial_agent_log or some other log table.

run the command: show processlist;
in the mysql CLI when you experience the issue and you might see queries that locks tables
or you can enable 'slow queries logging' (if its not already enabled, don't remember)

If this is the case then you can either solve it by getting better hardware for the database server, IO and memory is important,
or you can move old data that you wont need to archive tables.