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How can I set up my system to send out emails?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 10:54 am
by omar
I created a voicemail entry in Admin --> Voicemail --> Add a New VoicemailEntry with the following options:
Voicemail ID: 2000
Password: *****
Name: Main voice mail inbox
Active: Y
Admin User Group: ---ALL---
Delete Voicemail After Email: N
Voicemail Greeting:
Voicemail Zone: eastern
Voicemail Options:
New Messages: 15
Old Messages: 1

And I can see and hear my voicemails from /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/2000/INBOX/. BUT no email message is sent to my acount.
The help Menu says: Email - This optional setting allows you to have the voicemail messages sent to an email account, if your system is set up to send out email. If this field is empty then no emails will be sent out. So the question is:

How can I set up my system to send out emails?


My environment:
ViciBox v.4.0.3 64-bit standard
Build: 130711-2208
Version: 2.8b0.5
SVN Rev: 2001
1xDB-Web-Dialer-Archive (all services in one server)

Re: How can I set up my system to send out emails?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 10:00 pm
by PanamaExpat
I am not too familiar with it yet but did you configure it to point to a mail server? Most setups require that you point to a pop3 or imap server as they do not natively handle mail transfer.

Re: How can I set up my system to send out emails?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 7:40 am
by rrb555
check your mail logs. it must be a firewall issue

Code: Select all
tail /var/log/mail

Re: How can I set up my system to send out emails?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 10:36 pm
by williamconley
you may also be experiencing spam filtering. after all, your vicidial server is not a registered mail system and the big servers may be reluctant to accept email from you.

did you check your spam box?