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Account ownership

PostPosted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 12:38 pm
by Iz3k34l
Is it possible for an agent to take ownership of an account where a couple scenarios exist;

1) they have a sale and the client calls back in and takes the call while the primary agent is unavailable. another agent cant change the status and/or change ownership


2) they have a prospect call in and another agent cant change the status and/or change ownership of lead or sale.

Since Vicidial requires the agent to disposition a call after disconnecting the call , this would change the last disposition of a lead from a sale in turn affecting the end of the day reporting of the 'Sales Export Report' and a particular agent not getting credit for a particular sale.

Is there a disposition that can be used that would not affect the sale status and the sales reporting.

Re: Account ownership

PostPosted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 1:31 pm
by omarrodriguezt
We had same situation before, and we ended up by creating a new disposition named: sales follow up.