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Hardware recommendation

PostPosted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 7:23 pm
by mac123

do you have a list of hardware and models... for vicibox that has successfully installed...

any recommendation of motherboard model for intel i5 processor with 8gb mem... that vicibox has successfully installed

preffered model gigabyte or asus.. thanks..

thanks man :D

Re: Hardware recommendation

PostPosted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 7:07 am
by Infinity_ISF
I use all HP servers - DL360 G5's with (4) 72gb hard drives in raid 10

I wouldn't use desktop asus and gigabyte boards. I built 8 systems using asus and gigabyte boards and it was all terrible. In the end they crashed every day at least once and I ended up selling most of it.

Since I moved to HP I don't have any issues anymore -

If you do choose to use desktop boards make sure you use real raid cards and not onboard software raid...... its all bad if you don't.

Hope this helps.