Blended I/O Campaigns

All installation and configuration problems and questions

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Blended I/O Campaigns

Postby jotche » Wed Feb 21, 2007 10:31 am

Hi all,
I have a VICIDIAL system v2.0.2.
I've tested inbound and outbound campaigns with closer, manual-dialing and auto-dialing methods, and it's working fine. But now I'm a bit confused when planning blended inbound/outbound campaigns, and I have some questions:

1. Is it possible to have a blended Manual-Dialing Campaign? ... since the auto-dial level is required to be greater than 0 in order to take inbound calls (according to the manual and scratch install instructions).

2. From the scratch install instructions:

"if you want to take closer calls from the campaign "TEST" you will need to create an in-group called "CL_TEST_" for internal closing(on the same system) or "CL_TEST_L" for local closing(closer on different system from fronter) and then the fronter will click on the "internal closer" button to send the call to a closer"

I did the following:

- Created a new campaign with CAMPAIGN ID = "cam001"
- Created a new in-group with IN GROUP ID = "CL_cam001_"
- Added the following line in my dial plan at the incoming extension:
exten => 1001,n,AGI(agi-VDADcloser_inboundCID.agi,CL_cam001_-----110022-----Closer-----park----------999-----1)
- Updated the "In Groups" checkbox to take CL_cam001_ calls, for all of the agents in the campaign.
- Tested with manual and auto-dialing: the incoming calls are parked and never get transfered to available agents. Outbound calls works fine as always.

I guess I'm not doing the correct things to blend inbound and outbound calls on a single campaign, but I couldn't find much information about it.
I hope you could help me, any advice is welcome.


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Postby mflorell » Wed Feb 21, 2007 1:10 pm

A Blended campaign has to be run as an auto-dial campaign(RATIO or ADAPT dial methods).

You create a blended campaign as you would a CLOSER campaign(with the word CLOSER in the campaign_id [or after 2.0.3b1, BLEND/INBND/CLOSER/_C/_I/_B in the campaign_id])

Then the agent has to check the BLENDED checkbox when they login to the campaign.
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Postby tbenson » Tue May 08, 2007 1:22 pm

How can you tell which outbound campaign is being used when blending? I just asked for the inbound campaigns, then it drops to the call center and lets me choose resume, however I cant see which campaign outbound should be on (one of our outbounds is manual, wondering if its getting this one and not dialing at all).

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Postby mflorell » Thu May 10, 2007 7:52 am

A BLENDED campaign does have to be run with a dial_level >0 because of how the call handling works. There are a lot of ways to change the behaviour of how dialing works under a blended campaign though. If you are worried about dropping calls you should set the available-only option to Y in the campaign so only agents that are waiting for a call will have calls dialed for them. Also, setting the dial method to RATIO will help so that your dial_level will never get above 1.0

I would strongly recommend upgrading to 2.0.3, there have been a lot of fixes and optimizations made to inbound/blended call handling.
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Postby Synergia » Wed Jun 13, 2007 10:59 am

sorry my poor english and expressions, around all this, my question is the next, is posible to run a blended with manual dial mode campaing?

thanks very much
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Postby mflorell » Thu Jun 14, 2007 7:54 am

No. You can only run Blended in RATIO or ADAPT_* dial methods.
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