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DB Crontab Empty

PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 7:08 am
by Rudolfmdlt
Hi All,

Vicibox 4 install | SVN2020 | [DB + Web] + [Archive] + [Web] + 4[Dialer]s

Manual dial works but not auto dial. Did some investigation. All scripts seem to be running on the dialers. The DB had no screens? screen -r produced a "there are no screens to be resumed". When I run the hopper script manually the auto dialing works, but I have to keep running it manually.

crontab -l on the DB yeilds "no crontab for root" :shock:

Can some one please give me an example for the contrab of a DB only server? (And maybe help me debug this?)



Re: DB Crontab Empty

PostPosted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 5:59 am
by DomeDan

the files with cron stuff that the installer installs is: dialcron, dbcron, allcron
located here: /usr/src/astguiclient/conf/

remember that any server can run the db cron jobs as long as it can connect to the database server.

take a look what the other servers crontab contain and make sure that nothing is missing or is duplicated when you add the dialcron, dbcron, allcron stuff

Re: DB Crontab Empty

PostPosted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 4:05 am
by Rudolfmdlt
Hi DomeDan,

Thank you very much - I did double check and all is well now! Thank you very much! Just a question, I've never seen this when editing a crontab file:

Code: Select all
# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - edit the master and reinstall.
# (/tmp/crontab.AjCqZb installed on Thu Sep 12 14:09:50 2013)
# (Cronie version 4.2)
# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - edit the master and reinstall.
# (/tmp/crontab.fElAui installed on Wed Aug  7 16:25:17 2013)
# (Cronie version 4.2)

Is there a specific way to edit the crontab file for a Vici cluster?



Re: DB Crontab Empty

PostPosted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 4:29 am
by DomeDan
good to hear!

I usually just run "crontab -e" and edit, try that instead of editing files