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Managing sales

PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 11:10 am
by aster1
I have got vicidial working properly for sometime . I have a list number 444 on which 2 agents are dialing .. the campaign that uses that list dials to new,callback,busy,etc . Suppose agent makes a sale and clicks sale on disposition screen then how can i quickly see all sales made for campaign on the day and by which agent ( agent stats page shows some info but how to see for whole campaign ) ? what i was planning was to make new campaign using same list 444 but dialing only disposition of SALE .. but 2 campaigns cant use same list ( right ? ) . My basic question is .. at end of the day how to quickly manage sales made ??

PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 11:14 am
by aster1
Also i want to integrate sales with some crm . Since our campaign have lot of fields to be filled other than those provided by vicidial so i was thinking if i can use some crm link as webform where agent can fill whole information . Does the vtiger_search.php provided does this with vtiger crm ?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 10:58 am
by mflorell
I usually recommend using PHPMyAdmin( for extracting sales or other data from VICIDIAL if you are not fully versed in programming.

As for integrating with a CRM, yes, the vtiger search script will insert a record with the details available in the vicidial_list table in to the vtiger CRM, you do need to have the agent's username configured the same in both.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 11:12 am
by aster1
sorry for that really n00bish question :oops: about managing .. agent stats page is really good and it shows records as per date which i didnt see before . I am using phpmyadmin for most of lead extraction ..

I have setup vtiger 4.2 on vicidial server and edited script to change url and database passwords . Now i should make same username in vtiger as agent name in vicidial and in webform path of campaign add full url to vtiger script like right ??
I will be getting my hands on it after 3-4 days so just asking in advance as precaution :D

EDIT EDIT : Just got ur answer in another thread . Thx ..

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 11:02 pm
by mflorell
Yes, that should work. I haven't touched that script in many months, but it should still work just fine.

not equal phpMyAdmin and Reports

PostPosted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 7:47 pm
by eijal
I am exporting my SALES with phpMyAdmin with this sql statement:
Code: Select all
SELECT * FROM `vicidial_list` WHERE (modify_date like '2007-04-14%' and status LIKE 'SALE' AND user like '3%')

And I have 132 rows (many SALES from past days!!!!!!!!).

But if I go to Reports -> AGENT PERFORMANCE DETAIL (And I choose 2007-04-14) I have 70 SALES. And really on 2007-04-14 the call center had 70 SALES.

Could you help me please with SQL stament

I have just one outbound campaign and the USER IDs begin with 3 for this campaing

PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 9:25 am
by mflorell
You should probably pull the lead_id from the vicidial_log instead of vicidial_list.

Something like this should work:

SELECT * FROM vicidial_list,vicidial_log WHERE (call_date > "2007-04-14 00:00:01" and call_date < "2007-04-15 00:00:01" and vicidial_log.status = 'SALE' AND vicidial_log.user like '3%' and vicidial_log.lead_id=vicidial_list.lead_id);

thank you very much

PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 5:15 pm
by eijal
thank you very much
Now I have the correct reports