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vTiger 6 Beta - Search

PostPosted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 8:05 am
by JaiKai
Hi all,

I've developed a new script with functions to update vTiger directly by passing variables to it via "Start Call URL, DISPO Call URL & No Agent Call URL"

So far it works great but i'm wanting to push a search variable like the record id or phone number to vTiger 6 to display it in the crm when a call starts

But it seems that vTiger 6 unified search has changed.

Does anyone know how to push a search parameter to vTiger 6 by URL ?



Re: vTiger 6 Beta - Search

PostPosted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 7:58 pm
by williamconley
I'm pretty sure that would be on the vTiger support forum somewhere. If it is actually possible and does not require a post. But your best bet would be to perform this operation in a web browser and check the URL when you hit "search". If that fails, check to see what you are posting and see if you can grab the post value and modify your php script to "bounce" from a URL and create a POST entry from the Vicidial URL that is sent. Or pay someone to do it for you if that was all gibberish to you. LOL 8-)