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cluster keepalives in 5.0.3

PostPosted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 11:43 am
by DruRoland
I haven't seen anything related to clustering with 5.0.3's cluster deployment, so I'd like to verify I've got it set correct.

I've got 2 dialers, and 1 db/web.
My dialers are using 123468 (not using timeclock), and my db is using 57E.

Re: cluster keepalives in 5.0.3

PostPosted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:08 am
by williamconley
I don't think anything has changed except for the addition of E.

Do note that it is not necessary to run ANY scripts directly on the DB server. But since there are some "must run on only one server" scripts, and there is only one DB server ... it seems reasonable to run those scripts on the DB server to make them easy to find.

Don't forget that there are also a lot of "crontab" scripts that are not launched by the keepalive process that can be sorted among the various servers. Some MUST run on specific servers (processes that delete old recordings should probably be on servers that have those recordings, for instance) and some that should only run on a single server (such as the GMT nightly process).