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AGENTDIRECT - Single Agent Direct Queue

PostPosted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 5:59 pm
by Bentfinger
This is NOT an urgent matter and I feel silly asking it......but :oops: What is the purpose of the AGENTDIRECT Ingroup? I have read the manual, and it seems that the function is to be able to specify a single agent for routing calls, and for IVR, and for voicemail; but if we do not use this functionality, do I need to keep it as an active ingroup for my agents? I have other ingroups that are being used, and have been configured for my needs, and I no longer a default ingroup. I have left AGENTDIRECT checked for all users just in case it is necessary for some reason, but if it is just the default I would prefer to uncheck it. Thank you.

Re: AGENTDIRECT - Single Agent Direct Queue

PostPosted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 9:48 am
by williamconley
It is never necessary, but if you learn how to use it (read the manual!) you will find that it is a lazy shortcut to allow any agent to send a call (with data on the screen) to any other agent who has logged in to this ingroup. Turning it off (deleting it for that matter) is not damaging. It is not necessary. But having the reflex of all agents always logging in to it and having it available as a transfer group in all campaigns can make it possible for any agent to send any call to any other agent (which can be very handy).

Please always remember to post (at the very least) your Vicidial Version with Build. I note this crucial piece of information is missing your otherwise well-thought-out post. 8-)