I've been having some issues with the agent_time_detail.php in html view.
Server Information:
Version of Vicibox = ViciBox Redux v.4.0.1. VERSION: 2.8-417a, BUILD: 131019-0849
OS = OpenSuSE v.12.1 (I Think!)
SVN: Revision: 2040
I'm getting the following error on every line of the code where it makes the HTML table rows.
- Code: Select all
[Tue Nov 19 14:35:56 2013] [error] [client IPADDRESS] PHP Warning: Division by zero in /blah/AST_agent_time_detail.php on line 1175, referer: IPADDRESS/vicidial/AST_agent_time_detail.php
Have there been any issues with the new SVN revision and this script?
Hope someone can help!