to free unreferenced scalar
Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 1:06 am
VERSION: 2.7-401a | BUILD: 130508-2256 | vicidial from scratch ( |single prot digium card|
I am getting following error while running
problem i face its not updating the changes done in admin page.
I am getting following error while running
Attempt to free unreferenced scalar: SV 0xc8efe90, Perl interpreter: 0xc89e010 during global destruction.
Attempt to free unreferenced scalar: SV 0xcc0a520, Perl interpreter: 0xc89e010 during global destruction.
Attempt to free unreferenced scalar: SV 0xc8f0280, Perl interpreter: 0xc89e010 during global destruction.
Attempt to free unreferenced scalar: SV 0xc8c5130, Perl interpreter: 0xc89e010 during global destruction.
problem i face its not updating the changes done in admin page.