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Relocated vicidial and now i can't log into to welcome page

PostPosted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 1:34 pm
by Northeast62
I have relocated the server and now off site agents can not access agent log in from remote location, can be accessed in LAN not out of LAN, i can ping in LAN and out of LAN , please help as we had this server running at different location with different internal ip and external ip.

Any help would be much appreciated.

VERSION: 2.4-299
BUILD: 110214-0001
© 2011 ViciDial Group

Re: Relocated vicidial and now i can't log into to welcome p

PostPosted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 3:24 pm
by Northeast62
Now it is accessible had to change gateway ip and config to eth0 card . Just saying.

Working well now.

Re: Relocated vicidial and now i can't log into to welcome p

PostPosted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 9:39 pm
by williamconley
Good postback. Good work solving your own problem, too.

If you have agents accessing from other locations, you should look at a whitelist security lockdown. We have an extended version of that published (free) called dynamic good guys, which allows remote agents with new daily IPs to self-allow their IPs.

Also: please post your installation method with each post. It helps us help you. 8-)