Duplicate callbacks

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Duplicate callbacks

Postby smead » Tue Mar 04, 2014 1:58 pm

There's now 2 additional options for dialing a callback, Alt number and Address3. I like the address3, as it allows us to pull the lead and update info/add notes without having to actually dial their phone number to disposition the lead again. However, when doing this I notice it lists the lead AGAIN under 'view callbacks'. So there are now 2 of them listed. How can I fix this?

We have a lot of times where agents have to pull a call back up without needing to actually dial them again. If there was a way to just disposition a call without choosing any dial method that would be even better.
Single Server | Dell Optiplex 755 Quadcore 2.4Ghz 4GB Ram | OpenSuSE v.12.1 | ViciBox Preload x86 v5.0.3 | VERSION: 2.8-426a BUILD: 140214-1643 SVN 2077 | Asterisk
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Re: Duplicate callbacks

Postby williamconley » Tue Mar 04, 2014 2:23 pm

please list your vicidial version with BUILD (svn is nice, too, but BUILD is required as opposed to nice, LOL).

we have a sponsor who has asked to have agents able to modify vicidial records from the agent screen without dialing them ... this may be something we offer as an Alpha product when the proof-of-concept has been completed. pricing won't be established until the proof is done (determined by how much the client paid vs how much we actually spent, LOL). this would likely also include the ability to modify the disposition.

as far as double callbacks after dialing an alt phone, i'd upgrade to the latest svn and test it again (preferably in a clean system ...) to be sure it's a real bug. it is not expected that someone calling back an alt number would leave the callback record and then create a new one if they choose callback. but you need to be able to duplicate the bug to be sure it's a "bug" so you can post it to the Issue Tracker.
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Re: Duplicate callbacks

Postby smead » Tue Mar 04, 2014 3:25 pm

Good news, I found a script that fixes the problem:
Code: Select all
/usr/share/astguiclient/AST_DB_dead_cb_purge.pl --remove-dup-cb

For my version, here's what is listed in the bottom left of admin:
VERSION: 2.8-426a
BUILD: 140214-1643

While under 'system settings' it tells me I have:
Version: 2.8b0.5

Is there a reason these are different?

Also, according to viewtopic.php?f=2&t=28004 the functionality you refer to is supposedly already built in.
1. Added the ability for an agent to place manual dial calls out as if they were
in-group inbound calls. Also allows for no-dial calls that are not
actually placed out the telco, but are logged as calls. For more
information see the "In-Group Manual Dial" options in Campaign Detail

So I refer to "In-Group Manual Dial" and this is all there is:
In-Group Manual Dial - This feature allows you to enable the ability for agents to place manual dial outbound calls that are logged as in-group calls assigned to a specific in-group. The MANUAL_DIAL option allows the placing of phone calls out through an In-Group to the agent placing the call. The NO_DIAL option allows the agent to log time on a call that does not exist, as if it were a real call, this is often used for logging email or faxing time. The BOTH option will allow both call and no-call in-group dialing. The default is DISABLED.

In-Group Manual Dial Select - This option is only active if the above In-Group Manual Dial feature is not DISABLED. This option restricts the selectable In-Groups that the agent can place In-Group Manual Dial calls through. CAMPAIGN_SELECTED will show only the in-groups that the campaign has set as allowable in-groups. ALL_USER_GROUP will show all of the in-groups that are viewable to the members of the user group that the agent belongs to.

Sounds great, but doesn't work. Maybe there are some other settings that need tweaked that are not mentioned.
Single Server | Dell Optiplex 755 Quadcore 2.4Ghz 4GB Ram | OpenSuSE v.12.1 | ViciBox Preload x86 v5.0.3 | VERSION: 2.8-426a BUILD: 140214-1643 SVN 2077 | Asterisk
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Re: Duplicate callbacks

Postby williamconley » Wed Mar 05, 2014 1:44 am

Is there a reason these are different?
Yep. Each file is marked for "version" when edited (usually). But the "system" is composed of many files. Which is why WE usually go with the SVN revision level.

But the "to get help" requirement is the build number from the admin page as it has been the most tracked value and can usually be used to link multiple users to the same problem (which often constitutes a "bug"). Since not many users ever see the system version (which is relatively new) or the SVN revision ... the admin.php "version with build" is the most reliable method to date to get the version information.

What part are you saying did not work? (And how did you try to prove this, step by step ...)

Also note that there is a bit of a difference between "agent logging time on a lead without dialing it" and "agent modifying a lead without dialing it".
Vicidial Installation and Repair, plus Hosting and Colocation
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Re: Duplicate callbacks

Postby smead » Wed Mar 05, 2014 11:50 am

I found another version/build that is different. On the agent screen it displays VERSION: 2.8-389c BUILD: 140214-185

This could get to be pretty confusing figuring out what version and build you actually have :lol:

williamconley wrote:What part are you saying did not work? (And how did you try to prove this, step by step ...)

I tested it again this morning and it now magically works. Maybe the reboot set it straight? Before, I would select the in-bound group and nothing would display. I find the duplicate problem even worse with this method though. Instead of creating just one, it creates one for every call that is made. Plus, it only works for manually dialed calls and not calls or callbacks made while in manual dial. The address3 function seems to be a much better solution for what we're doing
Single Server | Dell Optiplex 755 Quadcore 2.4Ghz 4GB Ram | OpenSuSE v.12.1 | ViciBox Preload x86 v5.0.3 | VERSION: 2.8-426a BUILD: 140214-1643 SVN 2077 | Asterisk
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