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sip vicidial trunk

PostPosted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 9:37 am
by ed123

Need your help conecting 2 dialer via sip.
- I going to transfer a call(outbound) to another vici and i'm not sure how it works.i'm not sure what dialplan to use.
- I already confige the sip in sip.conf

server A:
register => siptrunk:PASSWORD123@x.x.x.2/siptrunk

sip show registry
Host Username Refresh State Reg.Time
x.x.x.2:5060 sipvici 105 Registered

register => siptrunk:PASSWORD123@x.x.x.3/siptrunk

sip show registry
Host Username Refresh State Reg.Time
x.x.x.3:5060 sipvici 105 Registered

VERSION: 2.8-425a
BUILD: 140206-1357
© 2014 ViciDial Group
single server

Re: sip vicidial trunk

PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 7:07 am
by ed123
Any help please?

Re: sip vicidial trunk

PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 11:58 am
by williamconley
Installation method is greatly appreciated on all support requests. :)

Easiest method is to set up the "secondary" dialer to link to a phone on the primary dialer. Then you can set up the phone as a remote agent by using the dialplan number. You can register by placing a Carrier entry in the secondary dialer to register to the phone entry in the primary dialer.

However, if you require the ability to dial a specific agent on the secondary dialer, you would need to set up both as Carriers and interlink them. Then you would use a dialplan entry in the carrier setting of the primary dialer to "capture" the call to that carrier entry and then generate a call on the secondary dialer to that specific agent.

We used to set this up all the time for clients who had both Vicidial and FreePBX. Works quite nicely.

IAX or SIP will both work for this.

Re: sip vicidial trunk

PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 2:00 pm
by deficit
So are you trying to transfer a live call from one dialer to the other? is it going to a specific agent, phone or ingroup.

Your on the right path just give a bit more info on what you are trying to do and I will attempt to help you.

Re: sip vicidial trunk

PostPosted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 9:29 am
by ed123

Thanks william..for the reply.
@deficit.. when an agent make an outbound call and then when the customer agreed to transfer the call, then the agent will transfer the call to another vici via sip trunk and point to a queue.

Re: sip vicidial trunk

PostPosted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 12:12 pm
by ed123

Sip trunking is now working thanks for the advice.
I tried a remote agent in a survey campaign and when the customer press a number the call will be transfer to another server via sip trunk. Now my issue is remote agent will wait till the customer or the agent on the other server hung ups before the asterisk redial for another number.
How can set that asterisk to dial again the moment the call was successfully received by the other end?
Thanks in advance..

Re: sip vicidial trunk

PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 6:14 am
by ed123
Any help please?

Re: sip vicidial trunk

PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 1:15 pm
by williamconley
ed123 wrote:How can set that asterisk to dial again the moment the call was successfully received by the other end?

1) Asterisk does not make decisions, and can not be "set" to dial. Asterisk initiates calls when Vicidial says to do so.
2) Vicidial does not have a setting anywhere to start a call because an agent answered a call. Its job is to keep agents busy. If you have more agents that you want to keep busy, you need to inform Vicidial of the existence of these other agents. Perhaps with more remote agents. But this will not be in any way related to the first agent answering a call.