My system: 1 x db, 3 x vici, 1 x web.
Vicibox version: 4.0.3
System version: 2.8-406a BUILD: 130627-0745
SVN Version: 1998
DB Schema Version: 1352
mySQL version: 5.1
What was done that trigers the problem:
- 3 people use same account (6666) with level 9
- one of the people changed password to 6666 acount
- system block access to system for 15 minutes because other 2 people still want to log to 6666 account with old password
- one of the people log via SSH to db serwer with root access. He opened MC and in MC edit the file vicidial_users.MYD from mySQL database. He change password to old password (the password was longer then prevoius one). He saves this file in MC
And now the problem:
- I can add new user (the user can have every level). After adding an user I can modify Agent interface options and Admin interface options. A can save this user.
- after this step when i want to change user data (e.g. name of the user or user level or agent interface options or admin interface options) and i click save all the options from section admin interface options become empty (no 1, no 0, just empty)
- it happens on all user levels. Even when i want to modify my accont and i click save all the options become empty. Then i need to use phpmyadmin to alter manualy this options.
I have done mysqlcheck (no errors, no effect).
What I can do to solve this problem?