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Manual Dial Campaiign w/Xfer

PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 9:19 am
by Kinghtflyer
Copied a new campaign from Existing operational auto dial campaiign. Cannot get Agent Transfer to work when campaign set to manual dial. Allow Closers set to 'Y' okay, but Allow inbound and blended cannot be set to 'Y' when manual dial with dial level set to 0. Allowed Inbound Groups also disappear when allow blended and inbound set to 'N'.

Is it not possible for a manual dial campaign to transfer to another agent?

Thanks Guys

Single Server Vicibox 3.04 From 64bit-Preload.iso VERSION: 2.8-403a BUILD:1305101350 : Asterisk 1.4.44-vici : NO Digium HArdware : Single Server
AMD 8-CORE 4Ghz 16GigRAM : MSI 3070 Mboard : 3-2TB SATA Drives : Disabled RAID : No extra software :

Re: Manual Dial Campaiign w/Xfer

PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 2:27 pm
by mflorell
I just tried to replicate on the most recent svn/trunk version and it works fine for me. Please try upgrading and see if that fixes your problem.

Re: Manual Dial Campaiign w/Xfer

PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 9:15 am
by Kinghtflyer
If I build a shiny new Vici-dialer from thie ISO, can I restore the database from MysqlDUMP or do I need to run all the update scripts? I can deal with all my custom php, and my custom crontabs.
I know we went over this in Vici-school but so rapidly it failed to make my notes.
If I have to use the svn/trunk version is there a how-to document?

Re: Manual Dial Campaiign w/Xfer

PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 4:54 pm
by mflorell
The UPGRADE document goes over the steps to do an upgrade. You can do a new install and just export your database, but you will need to run the upgrade SQL statements to make it compatible with the most recent svn/trunk.

Re: Manual Dial Campaiign w/Xfer

PostPosted: Sat May 03, 2014 11:51 pm
by williamconley
1) Build the new server and Certify it (carrier, campaign, list of 10 or so records to test dial ... verify it works with sound in both direction on a 1:1 autodial campaign making 10 calls in a row ... that will suffice).
2) mysqldump on this server just in case you need to "go back and start over with certification cuz something went wrong". LOL (takes 10 seconds!)
3) mysqldump on the old server, copy to new server
4) DROP asterisk DB on the new server, CREATE asterisk DB on the new server
5) load the OLD DB into the new server
6) follow the upgrade document steps available on the new server to upgrade the DB you just loaded to match the new server's vicidial version.
(Note: when we do this, we delete all prior DB statements from the extras upgrade DB .sql file that have already been run based on the DB schema of this database ... and we've NEVER had a DB upgrade fail. This value is available under admin->system settings on the old server.)
7) run the admin server ip update script from the old server's IP to the new server's IP
8) reboot