can't set agent scripts in vicidial

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can't set agent scripts in vicidial

Postby SuPrSluG » Tue Sep 05, 2006 12:01 pm

Everytime I try to enable a script for agents, I click the drop down and choose a script (test0 click submit then the page refreshes and there's nothing in the scripts box. Where does it save it? Is something missing in the database?
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Postby mflorell » Tue Sep 05, 2006 12:52 pm

Does your script name have any spaces or other punctuation in it?

Are there any errors at the top of the screen after submmitting?

What build of admin.php are you using?
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Postby SuPrSluG » Tue Sep 05, 2006 1:56 pm

Does your script name have any spaces or other punctuation in it?
no spaces or punctuation.

Are there any errors at the top of the screen after submmitting?
no everything looks good.

What build of admin.php are you using?
$version = '2.0.65';
$build = '60828-1115';

Everything looks good. But it just kinda blackholes it
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Postby mflorell » Tue Sep 05, 2006 2:11 pm

I cannot duplicate your issue on my setup. Could you post the results of these mysql queries:

SELECT * from vicidial_scripts;
SELECT * from vicidial_campaigns;
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Postby SuPrSluG » Tue Sep 05, 2006 2:57 pm

I noticed I also can't set the Campaign Caller ID it also resets back to -> 0000000000

mysql> SELECT * from vicidial_scripts;
| script_id | script_name | script_comments | script_text | active |
| TEST | testfreebeer | test | Would you like some free beer? Us too. Please meet us at Moe\'s and buy us a round. | Y |
| NEWTEST | newtest | none | This is a test of the emergency broadcast system. | Y |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT * from vicidial_campaigns;
| campaign_id | campaign_name | active | dial_status_a | dial_status_b | dial_status_c | dial_status_d | dial_status_e | lead_order | park_ext | park_file_name | web_form_address | allow_closers | hopper_level | auto_dial_level | next_agent_call | local_call_time | voicemail_ext | dial_timeout | dial_prefix | campaign_cid | campaign_vdad_exten | campaign_rec_exten | campaign_recording | campaign_rec_filename | campaign_script | get_call_launch | am_message_exten | amd_send_to_vmx | xferconf_a_dtmf | xferconf_a_number | xferconf_b_dtmf | xferconf_b_number | alt_number_dialing | scheduled_callbacks | lead_filter_id | drop_call_seconds | safe_harbor_message | safe_harbor_exten | display_dialable_count | wrapup_seconds | wrapup_message | closer_campaigns | use_internal_dnc | allcalls_delay | omit_phone_code | dial_method | available_only_ratio_tally | adaptive_dropped_percentage | adaptive_maximum_level | adaptive_latest_target_gmt | adaptive_intensity |
| test01 | Free Beer | Y | NEW | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | DOWN | NULL | NULL | NULL | Y | 1 | 0 | random | 24hours | NULL | 60 | 9 | 0000000000 | 8365 | 8309 | ONDEMAND | FULLDATE_CUSTPHONE | NULL | NONE | NULL | N | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | N | N | NONE | 5 | N | 8307 | Y | 0 | Wrapup Call | NULL | N | 0 | N | MANUAL | N | 3 | 3.0 | -7 | 0 |
| CLOSER | Closer and inbound campaign | Y | NEW | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | DOWN | NULL | NULL | NULL | Y | 5 | 1 | oldest_call_finish | 24hours | NULL | 60 | 9 | 0000000000 | 8365 | 8309 | ONDEMAND | FULLDATE_CUSTPHONE | NULL | NONE | NULL | N | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | N | N | NONE | 5 | N | 8307 | Y | 0 | Wrapup Call | NULL | N | 0 | N | MANUAL | N | 3 | 3.0 | -7 | 0 |
2 rows in set (0.01 sec)
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Postby mflorell » Tue Sep 05, 2006 3:03 pm

Something is wrong with the data being sent and the query is not being processed. take a look at the admin_changes_log.txt file in that directory ans try copy/paste the SQL query it logged into a mysql command-line and see if MySQL outputs what the error might be.
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Postby SuPrSluG » Tue Sep 05, 2006 4:34 pm

Thanks for all your help!! Your software rocks and
that's why I won't give up.
Anyhow here's the output
mysql> UPDATE vicidial_scripts set script_name='testfreebeer', script_comments='test', script_text='Would you like some free beer? Us too. Please meet us at Moe\\\'s and buy us a round.', active='Y' where script_id='TEST';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
Rows matched: 1 Changed: 0 Warnings: 0

That doesn't look right. Shouldn't it have changed?
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Postby mflorell » Tue Sep 05, 2006 4:42 pm

Isn't the problem you are having with the Campaign details?

Can you find a statement with "update vicidial_campaigns..."?
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Postby SuPrSluG » Tue Sep 05, 2006 8:52 pm

There is an error for that.
mysql> UPDATE vicidial_campaigns set campaign_name='Closer and inbound campaign',active='Y',dial_status_a='NEW',dial_status_b='',dial_status_c='',dial_status_d='',dial_status_e='',lead_order='DOWN',allow_closers='Y',hopper_level='5', auto_dial_level='0', next_agent_call='oldest_call_finish', local_call_time='24hours', voicemail_ext='', dial_timeout='60', dial_prefix='9', campaign_cid='8662619713', campaign_vdad_exten='8365', web_form_address='', park_ext='', park_file_name='', campaign_rec_exten='8309', campaign_recording='ONDEMAND', campaign_rec_filename='FULLDATE_CUSTPHONE', campaign_script='', get_call_launch='NONE', am_message_exten='', amd_send_to_vmx='N', xferconf_a_dtmf='',xferconf_a_number='', xferconf_b_dtmf='',xferconf_b_number='',lead_filter_id='NONE',alt_number_dialing='N',scheduled_callbacks='N',safe_harbor_message='N',drop_call_seconds='5',safe_harbor_exten='8307',wrapup_seconds='0',wrapup_message='Wrapup Call',closer_campaigns=' SalesLine -',use_internal_dnc='N',allcalls_delay='0',omit_phone_code='N',dial_method='MANUAL',available_only_ratio_tally='N',adaptive_dropped_percentage='3',adaptive_maximum_level='3.0',adaptive_latest_server_time='7',adaptive_intensity='0',adaptive_dl_diff_target='0' where campaign_id='CLOSER';
ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'adaptive_latest_server_time' in 'field list'
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Postby SuPrSluG » Tue Sep 05, 2006 8:58 pm

I found the upgrade upgrade sql and loaded the tables. I hope that fixes it.
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Postby mflorell » Tue Sep 05, 2006 9:39 pm

Yep, that would explain it. You do need to make sure to look in the extras directory for an upgrade_2.0.1.sql file to see if there is anything new in there that is not in your current database. For instance I just added one new field to a table today in SVN 2-X.
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