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x-fer without agent to a recording then blind x-fer to DID

PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 12:17 pm
by micod
Hello all, I have a configuration issue and I could really use some guidance as to make a recording available to agents, here goes what I would like to happen: Agent transfers customer to recording... recording then plays, upon ending, would like it (call) to que up for any of 8 closers in (ingroup closers) then, on ending with closer/ customer, blind transfer to a DID....for verification... any and all help would be appreciated...

Thank You for your time and effort,
Michael D.

Re: x-fer without agent to a recording then blind x-fer to D

PostPosted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 9:48 am
by udy786
Its called third party verification. When call got connected / Received with / from Customer, your all recorded message will play. At end of recording customer can put input by pressing any key or that call directly you can throw on any DID or Ingroup.

You can setup this as a IVR using CALL MENU if your customer calling to you on any DID or create your dialplan /routing extension if you are making outbound calls.

Re: x-fer without agent to a recording then blind x-fer to D

PostPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 11:15 pm
by williamconley
Transfer directly to the closers ingroup. Put the recording on the ingroup as "Welcome Message Filename" and set "Play Welcome Message" to ALWAYS. After the recording has finished, the transfer to a closer will complete (for closers logged in t that ingroup). When the closer is done with the call, they can transfer anywhere allowed by the Campaign to which they are logged in. It's not particularly difficult, but does require multiple campaigns and ingroups. :)

You can also push the calls to Call Menu instead for a bit more control over button pressing and all. That part can get complex.