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PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 6:22 pm
is this entry for testSIPtrunk "hardcoded" into sip.conf as an example? All other contexts which vicidial (redux) creates belong in sip-vicidial.conf?

Code: Select all
#include sip-vicidial.conf

; register SIP account on remote machine if using SIP trunks
; register => testSIPtrunk:test@
; setup account for SIP trunking:
; [SIPtrunk]
; disallow=all
; allow=ulaw
; allow=alaw
; type=friend
; username=testSIPtrunk
; secret=test
; host=
; dtmfmode=inband
; qualify=1000
linux-k7qk:~ #
linux-k7qk:~ # cat /etc/asterisk/sip.conf

Re: testSIPtrunk

PostPosted: Fri May 01, 2015 6:00 pm
by bobchaos
correct on both counts. You`ll notice that its all commented out, just like the default outbound trunk, so that you can copy/paste them in the appropriate places in the Admin interface (Under Admin --> Carriers) who will then write it to the appropriate conf-vicidial.conf file. You`ll rarely if ever need to go to console to get things done with Vicidial.