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Disable Dispo Screen

PostPosted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 4:18 am
by oshonubi

The campaign configuration has Disable Dispo Screen with the following help information

Disable Dispo Screen - This option allows you to disable the disposition screen in the agent interface. The Disable Dispo Status field below must be filled in for this option to work. Default is DISPO_ENABLED. The DISPO_SELECT_DISABLED option will not disable the dispo screen completely, but will display the dispo screen without any dispositions, this option should only be used if you want to force your agents to use your CRM software which will send the status to the system through the API.

I would like my disposition to be integrated to my CRM, which is SugarCE. Kindly help with the following:

1. Which API do I call, Agent or Non Agent API?

2. What are the values for Disable Dispo Status?

3. Has anyone implemented this feature, if yes, can there be help on this implementation on how to do it?

Thanking you for response.

Re: Disable Dispo Screen

PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 2:22 pm
by Marco Zink

1. You should use the Agent API, if you are trying to dispo the call from the CRM you could add a drop down menu with the disposition and send it to the API in the same request as the hangup. This shoudl be made in the CRM screen, you'll probably need some more work but for the hangup and disposition you must use external_hangup and external_status.

2. The Disable Dispo Screen will control if the disposition screen will appear, will appear without statuses to select or if it won't appear at all. If you hide it, the Disable Dispo Status is the status that will be selected for every call that skips the dispo screen.

3. I am currently implementing this feature, and was actually looking for some info because it seems that agents skipping the dispo screen are getting paused.

Let me know how are you doing with this matter.


Re: Disable Dispo Screen

PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2015 8:12 am
by oshonubi

Thanks for your response. I will see what I can do on this. However, if you have any solution kindly let me know.