Adding Noise or background noise

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Adding Noise or background noise

Postby arunvoip » Sun Apr 08, 2007 9:01 am


In my dial plan I've configured two trunks to make outbound calls (trunk1 and trunk2) to same service provider but I want when any of my exten starts with _2. should goto trunk2 and there should be some kind of disturbance (like some noise or some background noise) when my calls goes to trunk2 to make the call quality bad. Mainly I want to achieve bad call quality on trunk2 by adding some noise /echo /latency or something. Please guide me.


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Postby aster1 » Sun Apr 08, 2007 11:29 am

Thats kind of weird idea but i dont think asterisk will disturb sound quality on a voip line intentionally because it was never made for it . Btw let us know if you get something like that to work .. ( might be useful to convince some voip provider that their quality is bad :D )
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Postby chander.prakash » Sun Apr 08, 2007 2:25 pm

Dear friend,

sounds like a very bad idea.

though it CAN be done through various methods.

but i will not like to disclose any solution unless you have very strong reason explanable for doing it. because it might bring disrespute to asterisk/vicidial.
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Postby Op3r » Sun Apr 08, 2007 4:48 pm

why would you want to do that? to discredit the voip provider and have your client go to your suggested one? thats a very bad business.

Remember this

1) VOIP providers are not stupid, they may be greedy but not to the extent that they are idiots in terms of debugging the stuff all the way to hell. believe in this one, I have a client which is a voip provider and they will just tell you its your configuration that is bad.

2) being an enemy of the voip provider is bad business. common sense will tell you that.

now here are some tekniks to make the connection bad

1) download big files. meaning eat bandwidth

2) use g729 to have a good quality and use alaw and ulaw for the bad quality.

3) use cheap headsets that will echo.

4) prepare to be the laughing stock of the whole community.

unbelievable people, doing idiotic things.
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Postby arunvoip » Mon Apr 09, 2007 1:45 am

hi all,

sorry for not explaining the requirement in full details. My idea is not to disrepute to asterisk/vicidial or my service provider.

I've some fraud customer in DB so whenever any call comes from any of them then I want to make their call quality really bad by adding some kind of noise/echo or some thing that you suggest. I want to this some kind of filtering in my asterisk box b'coz I've only one service provider for my outbound calls.

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Postby dlapitan » Mon Apr 09, 2007 8:18 am


is this make sense to you.?why dont you just blocked this callers instead of adding some noise/echo or direct them into voicemail...I dont really understand so much your purpose of doing this. May be you wanted to annoy them. Do you still want to talk to this fraud customer? :)
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Postby arunvoip » Mon Apr 09, 2007 8:33 am

ya still I've to pass this call.

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