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Drop all incoming calls but capture CID

PostPosted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 12:47 am
by holesinhead
We are looking to offer a service where a customer calls our toll-free number and we want Vicidial to disconnect the call (so that we are not billed for the call) but capture the CID so that our agents can call the number back. Is there a way to do this from the web UI? If not which script would I need to modify? Any help will be most appreciated.

We are running Vicidial VERSION: 2.10-464a BUILD: 150101-1511 installed using Vicibox.


Re: Drop all incoming calls but capture CID

PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 10:46 pm
by williamconley
Please always post your installer with Version (ie: Vicibox 6.X.X).

You'd have to test an inbound call to see if "answer" occurs when you set the DID Route to "exten" and the "exten" to "9998811112". If there's no "Answer" before "9998811112,2" in the CLI ... you can probably create a new custom EXTEN to NOT answer before hangup as I believe the call has already been logged at this point.

You could also test by deleting the answer from extensions.conf at "exten => _999XX11112,n,Answer()" (but don't rely on that going forward, create a custom one so you won't lose it during an upgrade!) You may also need to delete the playback lines (but leave the Hangup).