Hello everyone!
I'm happily using Vicidial in its Vicibox flavour in these last years and not a single issues has risen. But now I'm facing a strange issue. After a catastrophic failure (both database and backups destroyed), I've managed to restore a very old sql backup. Obviously the schema version of this database is older than the original one, and the result of this is that in the admin page every single page is with the phrase "You do not have permission to view this page". Usually, when this happens, I upgrade the whole vicidial, using the sql upgrade commands in the "extra" directory in the svn trunk, and executing the install.pl perl script (deleting the agc and vicidial web folders first).
Sadly even now my admin account is recognized, but I can do nothing via the web interface. Via phpMyAdmin I've checked the user lever (9) and all the admin options set to "1".
Any hint?
Cheers from Italy!