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Special Characters

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 12:09 pm
by ClearCall
I looked through the forum and only saw older postings. I have a custom select field that must contain dollar signs. I have tried setting the Use Non-Latin to 1, but that does not seem to have any impact on the custom fields. I can enter the $ directly in the database and when I select an option from within admin_modify_lead.php, the value is saved to the database, but when I go back look at the lead again through admin_modify_lead.php, it looks blank even though I can see the value stored in the database.
What am I missing?

Re: Special Characters

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 12:43 pm
by mflorell
That's one of the limitations of custom fields. We don't allow many special characters due to all of the variable processing that happens and the high probability that it will seriously mess something up at some point.