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Inbound & outbound campaign

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 11:26 am
by gservices
I have config the campaign to work as Outbound and Inbound. All calls number that I got inbound are called form outbound calls.

To show all data from list in Inbound call I have set:
Code: Select all
 In DID number,
In-Group Call Handle Method: CIDLOOKUPRC

I am OK or not. Is this options for number_dial & alt_number ?

I have another question: Because I am new at "Inbound Campaign" and I find more questions...
The problem is when the agent call a 'CALLBK MANUAL' call and the client didn't answer. The agent Hung-Up the call and put the 'CALLBK' again.
But the client when find the missed call in his phone, call number back and the call go in another agent.
In this case the CALLABACK from the agent will be delete, and the call go to another agent.

How the inbound call go to agent that have call it manual?

Re: Inbound & outbound campaign

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 4:11 pm
by MJCoate

1) The Call Handle Method is for in-bound calls and how the system is going to attempt to look them up. "CIDLOOKUPRC" will search through all lists associated with the campaign you specify via "In-Group Campaign ID". It's going to look up using the phone_number field in those lists. To search through alternate numbers, you need to use one of the *ALT options.

2) There really isn't an easy way to ensure agents that call their callbacks but don't get to the customer will get the returned calls from that customer. If you have all your agents manually dialing, you could set it up so that each agent pushes out their own caller ID which routes back to only them.

Re: Inbound & outbound campaign

PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 3:11 am
by gservices
Thank for your help,
The campaign is Dial Method=Ratio
That is problem, if the agent is waiting a document from the client and it will be recontact again, that is normal Personal CAllback. But when the client find the document, he call back the our number and the call well go in_group, and the big problem is that personal CallBack will be go deleted from the first agent.

That will be an option, when the call will Lookup on "In-Group Campaign ID" for the phone_number, to lookup the status if it callback.