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Why can't I dial in voiceboxes ?

PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 2:18 am
by ostas

I have recently noticed such an issue that it is not possible to get connected to numbers where there is voice-box on the other side.
Vicidial starts calling due to I see "live call" and nothing is happening at all. Time is passing and I don't even know that something is wrong. When I get through with a normal office phone on the same number with the same asterisk a voice box answers and I can leave a massage.
Just to clarify I mean switch-board voice-boxes answering in an automatic way.

What may be a reason that vicidial doesn't work at all with automatic boxes and behaves in such a weir way ?? Kind request for any advises ....

Thanks, Jacek

Re: Why can't I dial in voiceboxes ?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 5:47 am
by ostas
Nobody came across the same issue ?