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PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2007 1:37 pm
by robert191
How can I download my lists and see the last status of any lead called. cant seem to find anyway of downloading the lists

Please help asap

PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2007 6:49 pm
by tbenson
Not sure if I know what your asking exactly, but I usually go into the admin screen. Choose search for a lead. We modified our search a bit to give more functional searches for leads, we have not as of yet pushed this back up to Matt for inclusion, but plan to once we adjust the "Manual Dial" where agents can lookup leads to lookup main line, alt line, and address 3 before creating a new lead with the number as main line.

I search for first name Trevor, and then it shows me all trevors in all lists and their status's. Not sure if you meant something more specific or not.


downloading lists

PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 4:11 am
by robert191
Thanks tbenson for the reply, I was hopeing there was a way to download the complete list rather than just deleting it so it could be checked against other list, cleaned etc.

Can anyone HELP please

PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 4:32 am
by caspar
...what I recommend for most people actually. PHPMyAdmin allows you to do the query however you want, As for a standard VICIDIAL exporter, it is becoming apparent that we will need to add some kind of basic exporter, and I am planning on adding this in the 2.0.4 version.

Any specific ideas would be welcome for what you want to see in this.
