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udy786 wrote:Hello,
I am trying to call Dispo URL with Custom Fields. Its working with default fields but custom fields not going. I have added &CF_uses_custom_fields=Y in URL. Same URL when I used in web Form and clicked on web form from agent interface then all valued passed but its only not going from dispo URL. I checked Disable Alter Customer Data and set as N.
When agent modify anything into custom form from agent interface on call and after doing hangup then also its working. But only its not working when agent not modifying anything from custom form. If same lead modified once then from next time its working for same agent. Reason behind always pass custom field is, we have CRM id in custom filed and if CRM will not pass then it will modify lead on CRM.
When I checked URL log report then its showing like
When Not working:-
When Working:-
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VERSION: 2.14-596a
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" Thu, 04 Mar 2021 22:42:43 -0500|PHP ERROR: Type=2 - Message=file( failed to open stream: operation failed - Line=15079 - File=/srv/www/htdocs/agc/vdc_db_query.php"
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