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Vicidial not creating voicemail emails

PostPosted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 2:51 pm
by xtdirect
Fresh Install Vicibox Express
VERSION: 2.14-583a
BUILD: 161226-2224
3 server setup: Webtel/Database/Tel

Phone is pointing to the Webtel server.

I have configured postfix to sendgrid using yast on the Webtel server and validated that I can connect and send email out via the command line.
I have also verified connectivity by viewing the /var/log/mail log.
I have the phone setup with an email address to send me an email with the voicemail when a new voicemail is created.

However, When I leave a voicemail an email is not generated.

It is NOT that vicidial creates the email but can't send it, it is that it is never created. It never appears in any of the mail logs.

I have the same version of vicibox running as a standalone, and it has no issues with this task.

I am at a loss for what to do next.

thanks in advance

- Brian

Re: Vicidial not creating voicemail emails

PostPosted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 5:28 pm
by williamconley
Please remember to include your Installer Version ("fresh" is not a version!).

VM to eMail is not a Vicidial function, it's an asterisk function. The Comedian Voicemail system is responsible for all facets for voicemail. Vicidial does create a configuration file for the VM system, but has no active interaction beyond that file creation.

Thus you can verify the configuration file (and edit it directly for testing), but for troubleshooting purposes, you'll be troubleshooting Comedian Voicemail (an asterisk module).