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IVR Campaign

PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2017 3:22 pm
by aleyva
Hello everyone.
I have a Campaign with 240 Remote Agents.
This campaign send an audio with a question, if you enter 1 the call is sent to an extension, if you type 2 the call is hung. For this use a CallMenu.
In RealTime Report some time see "20 calls being placed", Other times I see "100 calls being placed", 10, 30, etc etc. Why I cant get 240 Calls ?, Ratio 1, In Server Max Trunks: 500, Max Calls per Second 200.

What do I need to do to dial more than 500 concurrent calls?

VERSION: 2.10-452a BUILD: 141111-0554 | Asterisk | Multi Server | No Digium/Sangoma Hardware | No Extra Software After Installation | Sip Trunk | DB HP Server 360 G8 / 1 PBX HP Server 360 Gen 8.


Re: IVR Campaign

PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2017 4:30 pm
by mflorell
Max calls per second should NEVER be set to 200, and there is no reason to set it that high either. Usually it should be around 4, and at the most maybe 20 in special cases if your carrier can support that rate of calling.

Re: IVR Campaign

PostPosted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 9:13 am
by aleyva
OK Matt.
What changes are made to be able to dial 300 fewer calls constantly, assuming my carrier supports that and more?