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SURVEY Transfer to AGENT

PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2017 3:42 pm
by ruben23
VERSION: 2.12-555a
BUILD: 160508-1948
© 2016 ViciDial Group
Asterisk 1.8
Ubuntu Server 12.04.5 LTS 64bit

Hi there Setup Survey with Transfer to an AGENT, with ratio campaign set to 4 LEVEL, and Routing to 8366
Agent login as regular and the campaign started running, when someone get answered and played the audio and press 1 it gets transferred to the available agent and worked perfectly
now my problem is i wanted to dial more like 1000 calls, which i cant coz i got only 5 agents. Is it possible to used Remote Agents to activate with agentless and still be able to transfer there calls to the agent login to the campaign that is available.?

On the remote agent menu setup:
this one confuse me if what do i setup so when the call of this remote agent comes in get trasnfered to the next avaibale AGENT (External Extension:)
What should i put in there.?

Re: SURVEY Transfer to AGENT

PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2017 4:29 pm
by mflorell
Any reason you don't just raise your dial level up to 200?

Re: SURVEY Transfer to AGENT

PostPosted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 9:00 am
by ruben23
Matt, Thanks i used the Agent login and increase the dial up level and worked perfectly. Thanks for the help