Voice Message getting cut

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Voice Message getting cut

Postby rogerfinch » Tue Jul 18, 2017 8:28 pm

Hi Folks,

I have been using vicidial to promote a product via automated dialing. I have setup a voiceclip which gets played when the person at other end picks up the call. But the issue is, that the message gets played fully only if the receiver picks up the call in first ring only. If the person picks up the call after two or three rings than that much part on the voiceclip is skipped and message starts from halfway or more.

What i want to be able to do is -- that the voice clip should play only after the receiver picks up the call.

Please help!!
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Re: Voice Message getting cut

Postby bobchaos » Tue Jul 18, 2017 9:02 pm

We'd need an awful lot more details to be able to help you out, like relevant campaign configuration entries for instance, not to mention the usual: version and build, install method, system specs, etc... but anyhow, here's my educated guess (assuming you have configured the campaign according to the manual): you have setup call answering detection poorly somehow, probably through poor carrier extension entries, so your message starts playing as soon as a connection is established with the carrier rather than the remote receiver. Some debug logs from asterisk could probably confirm (or infirm!) this theory. If you're not too handy on a shell, you could always test by putting agents on the campaign and seeing when 'live call' shows up on their screen, which is when the recording would trigger should it be an agent-less campaign.

That said, I'm making the huge assumption your campaign is configured right ;) Double-check every field in the advanced configuration tab for your campaign!

Remember: The manual is your friend, it has example of every common and a whole lot of uncommon scenarios.
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Re: Voice Message getting cut

Postby rogerfinch » Tue Jul 18, 2017 9:47 pm

Hi Bob,

Thanks for reaching out.

The version i am using is 2.12-565a and BUILD is 160827-0917.

Sorry for being noobish. I have decided to do a bit of research on the matter. Could you help me what would the best way to go about it ? Consider my knowledge on vicidial to be minimum. I am basic knowledge regarding campaigns, agents, lists etc.

The thing is, the technical person who configured this campaign tells me that this problem can not be solved. But i don't believe it.

So what would be the best way to gain some knowledge to be able to debug this issue. I am ready to do any reading.
Posts: 14
Joined: Mon Jul 17, 2017 11:10 pm

Re: Voice Message getting cut

Postby mflorell » Wed Jul 19, 2017 7:35 am

Sounds like you either have a configuration issue with your dialplan, or your carrier is sending an Answer signal when ringing starts. Have you tried a different carrier?
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