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On-Hook Remote Agents hangup call problem

PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 6:49 pm
by webudo

I'm running: VERSION: 2.14-638a BUILD: 171018-2234 on a Virtual Machine with 2CPU and 4GB RAM just for testing purposes.

Configured DID -> In-group -> Campaign with Remote agents (which are SIP phones registered on another PBX). On-Hook agent = Y
The call gets routed correctly to the other system, and the call is marked as answered until the phone is picked-up. So far so good... but, when the remote agent or the caller hangs up, the other party stills on the call and it will never hangup.
This is not the case when On-Hook agent = N

Dialplan is configured like this on the carrier section:
exten => _9XX,1,AGI(agi://
exten => _9XX,2,Dial(SIP/other-pbx/${EXTEN},,To)
exten => _9XX,3,Hangup

I also tried making the remote agent to be a local SIP extension registered to ViciDial to avoid interop SIP issues with remote PBX but I had the same results.

Please advise. Thanks!

Re: On-Hook Remote Agents hangup call problem

PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 6:07 pm
by williamconley
If I recall, this is more of a feature than a bug. Well, more like "that's how it was designed to work" to account for the On Hook Agent. The call gets a meetme room. Until the meetme room is empty, the call continues. when one of the parties hangs up, the system has no idea since the call is being controlled by a meetme room instead of a Vicidial script. This is because the script can't be "attached" due to the "OnHook" nature of the connection.

You could pay for someone to write code to resolve this issue, but apparently no one has found it important enough to fix. And you'd have to decide how quickly the disconnect would need to be accomplished. A "watcher script" that runs every minute? (Several of those, it could be incorporated) or immediately or within a few seconds ... depending on where a good "hook" is to identify and kill the call.

You can also try it with and without call recording, which has a tendency to alter the outcome slightly.

Re: On-Hook Remote Agents hangup call problem

PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 9:27 pm
by mflorell
Does it really "never" hang up, or does the lone party in the conference get hung up after 2-3 minutes?

There has long been a script that can check for lone parties in conferences, it's just not activated by default:

# This script checks leave 3way vicidial_conferences for participants
# This is a constantly running script that is in the keepalive_ALL script, to
# enable this script in the keepalive, add the --cu3way flag to the
# entry in the crontab
# NOTE: if you are using this script, then you should set the flag in the other
# script's crontab entry that does some of these functions:
# --no-vc-3way-check