I'm running into random issues, like for instance 2 people according to the realtime report will be put into a 3-way call, randomly (as far as i can tell).
Reps, maybe once every 3 days per rep, experience our hold music being played back to them.
Today a rep used transfer-conference to recall a customer by dialing 3-way after the customer hung up, and the customer picked back up, but the phone was still ringing in the agent's ear while talking to the customer. idk, atm, if the customer could hear the ringing. I'm wondering though.
If anyone here has any insight on what could be causing our issues.
We have one overseas office transferring fronted calls to our home office in US.
We have sip call transfers from a lead provider.
We have inbound calls from outbound caller id.
We habe inbound calls from other sources.
We have outbound dialing when the x-fer calls aren't in queue.
Could these problems be related to lag from the overseas office?
They're usually around 260ms but sometimes jump to 470ms