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kumar2arbind wrote:hi,
please explain little more about your scenario, About the campaign you are using, dialplan or cli log.
may be your campaign setting our dialplan filtering your * .
mflorell wrote:There are a lot of filters in VICIdial for input validation, and there is probably one that only allows digits in the phone number field. What country are you calling that allows non-digits in the general phone number field?
while ($i < $talking_to_print)
$phone[$i]=' ';
if (eregi("R/",$Sextension[$i]))
$protocol = 'EXTERNAL';
$dialplan = eregi_replace('R/',"",$Sextension[$i]);
$dialplan = eregi_replace("\@.*",'',$dialplan);
$exten = "dialplan_number='$dialplan'";
if (eregi("Local/",$Sextension[$i]))
$protocol = 'EXTERNAL';
$dialplan = eregi_replace('Local/',"",$Sextension[$i]);
$dialplan = eregi_replace("\@.*",'',$dialplan);
$exten = "dialplan_number='$dialplan'";
if (eregi('SIP/',$Sextension[$i]))
$protocol = 'SIP';
$dialplan = eregi_replace('SIP/',"",$Sextension[$i]);
$dialplan = eregi_replace("-.*",'',$dialplan);
$exten = "extension='$dialplan'";
blackbird2306 wrote:Yes there are many regex filters, but in this case this file is only a real-time stats report for the VICIDIAL Auto-Dialer. It doesn't affect your issue. Did you try my suggestion?
mflorell wrote:There are several places where non-digit characters are filtered out of the phone number field.
Any reason you can't include the "*67" as part of the dialplan instead?
blackbird2306 wrote:I think you are right with your guess of regex filtering. But there should be a way to bypass this with an adjustment to your dialplan, even though I don't believe that your carrier will take that into account. Please try this for line 3:
exten => _7057181935*67.,3,Dial(SIP/*67${EXTEN:13}@MyOwnTelco,,tTo)
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