I am trying to set up a cronjob to delete ALL recording that are under 100 seconds, but for some reason google is not helping me?
Any suggestions?
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# runs every day, goes through recordings older than a certain number of days
# and deletes those recordings that are not of a certain status
# default is 30 days old to remove non-sales
# put an entry into the cron of of your asterisk machine to run this script
# every day or however often you desire
##### Get the lead_ids of all recordings that are not DELETED or NULL #####
$stmtA = "SELECT lead_id,recording_id,start_time,filename,location FROM recording_log where start_time < '$TDSQLdate' and start_time > '$FDSQLdate' and location IS NOT NULL and location NOT IN('','NOT_FOUND','NOT_FOUND_2','DELETED') and length_in_sec <= 100 LIMIT 5000;";
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