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Lost all the Admin Access after SVN Upgrade

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 7:02 am

Today I did an svn upgrade and got stuck completely. I cant see lists, campaigns, users, nothing. When i try accessing any option using my user ID which is set as Administrator, I get the message - " You do not have permission to view this page". Cant figure out whats wrong. If not fixed, it will eat up my job. Worst part is I did not even took the backup before I did this upgrade.

I followed the below link to do upgrade. ... hp?t=16326

Please help, I am in a deep problem. All the agents are sitting idle.

Thanks In advance.

Re: Lost all the Admin Access after SVN Upgrade

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 7:07 am
by mflorell
Usually this is caused by not updating the database schema completely. What was the version and build that you were upgrading from, and how many of the upgrade SQL files did you run in mysql?

Re: Lost all the Admin Access after SVN Upgrade

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 7:18 am
I dont really remmember. I am sorry for that. I am completly messed up.

All I did was below -

cd /usr/src/astguiclient
svn checkout svn://
perl ./

\. /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk/extras/upgrade_2.8.sql

and I got stuck.

I am sorry, if i must have missed out any steps to tell you or to do.

Please help me to come out of this. There is a huge database on the server.

When I login on agents screen it shows all the campaigns which were created but when I click on login it shows no leads in hooper

Re: Lost all the Admin Access after SVN Upgrade

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 7:28 am
by blackbird2306
Again what was your vicidial and database version before? It's because upgrading from an older version needs some other steps than do it on newer systems.

Did you type this in normal shell or with: 1. mysql & 2. use asterisk:
\. /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk/extras/upgrade_2.8.sql

Re: Lost all the Admin Access after SVN Upgrade

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 7:34 am
This command I ran with: 1. mysql & 2. use asterisk:
\. /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk/extras/upgrade_2.8.sql

The last command i ran was -
\. /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk/extras/upgrade_2.10.sql

I am sorry, but i really dont remmeber the version. Now when I click on report, it shows -

VERSION: 2.14-661a
BUILD: 180222-0017

Sorry for sharing incomplete information.

Re: Lost all the Admin Access after SVN Upgrade

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 7:41 am
by blackbird2306
What is output from:
1. mysql
2. use asterisk
3. SELECT `db_schema_update_date`,`db_schema_version`,`svn_revision` FROM `system_settings`;

Re: Lost all the Admin Access after SVN Upgrade

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 7:42 am
I havent upgraded SVN anytime before. So it would be the same version which I installed originally from the disc. ViciBox_v8.x86_64-8.0.1.iso. This was the file which I downloaded from Internet.

Re: Lost all the Admin Access after SVN Upgrade

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 7:43 am
This is the output
MariaDB [asterisk]> SELECT `db_schema_update_date`,`db_schema_version`,`svn_revision` FROM `system_settings`;
| db_schema_update_date | db_schema_version | svn_revision |
| 2018-02-27 17:18:51 | 1403 | 2930 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Re: Lost all the Admin Access after SVN Upgrade

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 8:01 am
Hello Team, Please Reply.

Re: Lost all the Admin Access after SVN Upgrade

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 8:25 am
Hi BlackBird, Please Help, Please reply.

Re: Lost all the Admin Access after SVN Upgrade

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 8:29 am
by blackbird2306
You made some significant mistakes. You didn't make a backup before upgrade process and didn't read update file in /usr/src/astguiclient directory. I hope you didn't delete some tables or so. At this time your database schema (1403) is at level 2.11. Now try this:
Code: Select all
1. mysql -f --database=asterisk < /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk/extras/upgrade_2.12.sql
2. mysql -f --database=asterisk < /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk/extras/upgrade_2.14.sql
3. perl ./

Re: Lost all the Admin Access after SVN Upgrade

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 8:35 am

I havent deleted anything.

after executing this command, I am getting the error of duplicates and already exists for all. Below is the screenshot for the same.

ERROR 1050 (42S01) at line 216: Table 'cid_channels_recent' already exists
ERROR 1060 (42S21) at line 231: Duplicate column name 'callback_display_days'
ERROR 1060 (42S21) at line 235: Duplicate column name 'three_way_record_stop'
ERROR 1060 (42S21) at line 236: Duplicate column name 'hangup_xfer_record_start'
ERROR 1050 (42S01) at line 240: Table 'vicidial_rt_monitor_log' already exists
ERROR 1050 (42S01) at line 262: Table 'vicidial_rt_monitor_log_archive' already exists
ERROR 1060 (42S21) at line 266: Duplicate column name 'agent_push_events'
ERROR 1060 (42S21) at line 267: Duplicate column name 'agent_push_url'
ERROR 1060 (42S21) at line 271: Duplicate column name 'hide_inactive_lists'
ERROR 1060 (42S21) at line 290: Duplicate column name 'xfer_hungup'
ERROR 1060 (42S21) at line 291: Duplicate column name 'xfer_hungup_datetime'
ERROR 1050 (42S01) at line 295: Table 'vicidial_campaign_hour_counts' already exists
ERROR 1050 (42S01) at line 308: Table 'vicidial_campaign_hour_counts_archive' already exists
ERROR 1050 (42S01) at line 310: Table 'vicidial_carrier_hour_counts' already exists
ERROR 1050 (42S01) at line 321: Table 'vicidial_carrier_hour_counts_archive' already exists
ERROR 1050 (42S01) at line 325: Table 'user_call_log_archive' already exists
ERROR 1050 (42S01) at line 330: Table 'vicidial_inbound_survey_log' already exists
ERROR 1050 (42S01) at line 344: Table 'vicidial_inbound_survey_log_archive' already exists
ERROR 1061 (42000) at line 345: Duplicate key name 'visla_key'
ERROR 1060 (42S21) at line 347: Duplicate column name 'inbound_survey'
ERROR 1060 (42S21) at line 348: Duplicate column name 'inbound_survey_filename'
ERROR 1060 (42S21) at line 349: Duplicate column name 'inbound_survey_accept_digit'
ERROR 1060 (42S21) at line 350: Duplicate column name 'inbound_survey_question_filename'
ERROR 1060 (42S21) at line 351: Duplicate column name 'inbound_survey_callmenu'
ERROR 1060 (42S21) at line 355: Duplicate column name 'allow_manage_active_lists'
ERROR 1060 (42S21) at line 359: Duplicate column name 'filename_override'
ERROR 1061 (42000) at line 364: Duplicate key name 'vle_lead_id'
ERROR 1060 (42S21) at line 366: Duplicate column name 'front_uniqueid'
ERROR 1060 (42S21) at line 367: Duplicate column name 'close_uniqueid'
ERROR 1050 (42S01) at line 369: Table 'vicidial_xfer_log_archive' already exists
ERROR 1060 (42S21) at line 374: Duplicate column name 'expired_lists_inactive'
ERROR 1060 (42S21) at line 378: Duplicate column name 'did_system_filter'
ERROR 1050 (42S01) at line 380: Table 'vicidial_dnccom_scrub_log' already exists
ERROR 1060 (42S21) at line 393: Duplicate column name 'flag_projdnc'
ERROR 1060 (42S21) at line 402: Duplicate column name 'custom_variables'

Also for 3. perl ./, its giving me the error -

vicibox8:~ # perl ./
Can't open perl script "./": No such file or directory
You have new mail in /var/mail/root

Re: Lost all the Admin Access after SVN Upgrade

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 8:38 am
do i have to run this perl command in mysql, use asterisk or at root. I entered both the commands at root#

Re: Lost all the Admin Access after SVN Upgrade

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 8:40 am
by blackbird2306
Sure you didn't delete it directly by yourself, but I mean the sql files perhaps did it.
Yes from root shell not mysql. Did you execute these commands (the errors are not that important):
mysql -f --database=asterisk < /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk/extras/upgrade_2.12.sql
mysql -f --database=asterisk < /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk/extras/upgrade_2.14.sql

If yes, then (also from linux root shell):
cd /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk
perl ./

Re: Lost all the Admin Access after SVN Upgrade

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 8:59 am

My job is saved. I have no clue how did this happen, but now I can see all the lists, users, campaigns everything.... No Idea how. I did not execute the command which you shared in your last post.

Re: Lost all the Admin Access after SVN Upgrade

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 9:03 am
by blackbird2306
Yes you did these ones last with the sql errors (ERROR 1050 (42S01) at line 216 an so on) and upgraded your database schema and it was sufficient for working system:
1. mysql -f --database=asterisk < /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk/extras/upgrade_2.12.sql
2. mysql -f --database=asterisk < /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk/extras/upgrade_2.14.sql

Re: Lost all the Admin Access after SVN Upgrade

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 9:08 am
by blackbird2306
Please make first a backup now and then you have to start the last install command I gave you, so that your system is updated correctly.