I have a DID which i have set to the route AGENT.
This works fine. Only this option is not working for me:
User Unavailable Action
I tried setting it to ingroup or voicemail but the caller just stays in the AGENTDIRECT queue even if my testuser is paused or not logged in.
Any idea's?
Never mind, i found the answer in the manual:
In the above example, the call will go into the AGENTDIRECT in-group where it will wait until the
drop timeout of that In-Group and if the agent is still not available the call will be directed to the
Voicemail box 6666. You can also send the call to another in-group or even an extension instead of
sending it to voicemail. You can set up multiple AGENTDIRECT in-groups to be able to use different
settings for different groups of AGENTDIRECT calls. They just need to have AGENTDIRECT at the
beginning of the in-group name, such as AGENTDIRECT2, AGENTDIRECTA, etc...