Drop call vs Abandoned call inbound definitions

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Drop call vs Abandoned call inbound definitions

Postby rheymzkilove » Tue Oct 09, 2018 6:46 pm

Hi guys,

Client keeps me asking about the confusion between Abandon Call vs Dropped Call (INbound Campaign). And I Answered it with an Ex..
(for my understanding) Abandon: Caller Hung Up. (Ex. of this is when a caller is on QUEE and waiting for an agent and then it she/he hung ups).
Dropped calls also triggered by a missed call and if also the call cannot reached the inbound group (Ex.Inboun(NAME)) then cust suddenly hung up.
Tryign to do a misscall when ring it suddenly hung up (cust side) it shows drop but if you heard the modified ring (the edited ring it means that your on the quee) and if hung ups it will count as abandon.

NOte: for the inbound settigns for drop section ive jsut setted 15 mins before it calls drop but if it reached 15 mins it will route it back to the same ingroup.

is this Really a definition? or any definition from you guys and Example for Drop and abandon?


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Re: Drop call vs Abandoned call inbound definitions

Postby dspaan » Wed Oct 10, 2018 1:30 pm

Where are you seeing Abandon in vicidial?

The only disposition/status code in vicidial is DROP and this both used for inbound and outbound:

Inbound - when a caller is in the queue of an ingroup and listening to queue music and decides to hangup because he's been waiting too long it becomes a DROP.
Outbound - When you have a RATIO or Predictive campaign and number of outbound calls which are answered by customers is more then the number of available agents at that very moment then the calls that can not be routed to an available agent will be hungup after a specified amount of seconds (which you can set in the campaign) and this will result in a lead with DROP status as well.

In my opinion it would be very useful if inbound DROPS and outbound DROPS would have a different status and not the same like it is right now. Because if you have a blended campaign and both inbound and outbound leads are in the same lists you might want to call back outbound drops but not inbound drops. And also if you do want to callback inbound drops you'd want to call them back as fast as possible whereas outbound drops you want to delay calling them back (which is already a feature). I know the drop lists feature exists for inbound but this creates duplicate leads in your vicidial system.
Regards, Dennis

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