Second attempt agentdirect transfer adds prefix/phonecode

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Second attempt agentdirect transfer adds prefix/phonecode

Postby dspaan » Wed Oct 17, 2018 9:01 am

We are running into an issue when we do an agentdirect transfer to another agent it all goes well and when the same agent does a second transfer to the same agent vicidial adds the campaign prefix and phone code before the agent id, you can see this is happening in the realtime screen where you can see the call in the agentdirect queue and in the last column the agent that is being dialed (who in this case does not exist, example: 931john01).

After testing a bit more we discovered that this only happens when doing the second transfer you keep the agent name from the previous call in the transfer destination field (instead of selecting the agent again). If you select the agent again through the agents link this problem doesn't occur.

Did we find a bug? :mrgreen:
Regards, Dennis

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Re: Second attempt agentdirect transfer adds prefix/phonecod

Postby mflorell » Wed Oct 17, 2018 8:37 pm

I've tried several times and I can't get it to replicate this issue on the second transfer. Could you detail your Campaigns settings and the exact steps you do to replicate this issue?
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