Add Server

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Add Server

Postby bestmanbolivar » Mon Nov 05, 2018 11:07 pm

Hi Everyone

I have a question and I could not find in the forum, I have a site that has 1 database server and 2 PBX servers, one of them is a web server. I want to put another PBX device, which is only used as a Dialer.

What would be the procedure to be able to add it to the group ?, to add it would have to update the other servers so that they are in the same version?

I pass the data of my site

VERSION: 2.14-678a
BUILD: 180613-0943

2 pbx servers one of them has the web server
1 server dedicated to the database
Installation with vicibox_v8.x86_64-8.0.1

Thanks for the support
Posts: 13
Joined: Fri May 25, 2018 4:11 pm

Re: Add Server

Postby MJCoate » Tue Nov 06, 2018 10:37 am

The following should work for you:

1 - Update your cluster the the newest SVN version (you can find instruction in /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk/UPGRADE).
2 - Download the latest VICIbox ISO ( and install it on your new server. First run "os-install" from the command prompt and setup OpenSUSE so you can network the server. Make sure you can ping the other servers from it and visa versa.
3 - Run the "vicibox-install" command after setting up the OS and step through it manually (expert mode install I believe). Configure it to be only a dialer and make sure you put your DBs IP in when it prompts for it. Right before pulling the trigger, it should summarize the install, double check the IPs are correct and that it's going to use the version of your current cluster, then proceed with the install.
4 - Go into Admin > Servers > Add A New Server and fill out the initial form and submit.
5 - If all that was successful, you should now have a new server entry in the Reports page and the install should have populated the requisite conferences (go into the server details page to make sure they are there).
6 - Last thing to do is any tidying up such as making carrier entries on that dialer, duplicating phones if you're using aliases, configuring other server specific settings, etc.
Mike Coate | VICIdial Technical Support Staff
Posts: 82
Joined: Wed Mar 25, 2015 1:57 pm

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